Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Thai Curry (green) Mashed Potatoes with Kale

Thai Curry (green) Mashed Potatoes with Kale

Yeah, you heard that right. Sometimes I find a lot of random crap in my pantry. And lately I've been trying really hard to use what we have in the house. Not just dream up some idea, run off to the store, spend money, and have my wife be disappointed in me. Which sometimes results in wild ideas such as this.

The ingredients. Garlic, not pictured.

We start with potatoes. Those are some red and yellow babies. I don't peel them. Boil the spuds in chicken broth. For, you know, more flavor and stuff. I use this chicken base stuff, cheaper and easier than buying broth. (yeah yeah, i should make my own stock. shut up.)

Meanwhile: sautee some garlic in olive oil. Do this on low heat, garlic burns fast. Also, when you dump in the green curry simmer sauce, it won't burn and explode all over the place. You won't need much. Once it's clearly hot, drop a bunch of kale (ripped and washed, of course) and WILT that SHIT!

I actually used bacon fat to sautee the kale.

Now that the potatoes are done, drain em and throw in some butter. Scrape in all the kale and sauce and stuff. And mash the hell out of it. Taste, to make sure you didn't do it wrong. If it's good, then congrats.

Let's see that final product one last time...


What a beauty. Oh, and what's this?

Also for dinner...

Did I forget to mention that I'm also making pot roast? Well, I am. And it's gonna be awesome.

Notes: Can you omit the butter and the chicken broth to make this recipe vegetarian? Yes. Should you do these things? No.

1 comment:

  1. The mashed sounds good; was it? And don't be ashamed of chicken soup base. I use it all the time.
    As for staying sane, I can only commiserate: if, when you're reading the same story to Eli for the 500th time and your vce starts to. Go and you can't qte catch your breath or follow the ewords(which you know by heart) -- think back: haven't you heard that tone of vo ice before, way back?? Yeah, that was me.
    Cooking and creating a killer cookbook one recipe at a time. Maybe it will help. And this too shall pass.
