Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Keeping Sane

Let's face it. Kids are boring.

Yeah, I said it.

Sure, they're the sweetest, most adorable things you'll ever encounter. I've never smiled so wide as I do watching my kids naked butt running excitedly down the hallway. His belly laugh is more fun to listen to than the best symphony ever written. And I still get a little misty when he hugs and kisses me, just because he feels like it.

But romanticizing this relationship is easy when you're not in it all day. Every day. These idyllic, picture perfect, hallmark moments aren't happening in a constant stream of cute overload. The fact of the matter is, there's a lot of tantrums, dirty diapers, vomit, and just plain old downtime in between all that sweetness. Somewhere after the eight episode of Yo Gabba Gabba! (in a row) you're about ready to hurl a plastic truck through the TV screen. And your back can only take the roughhousing for so long.

So what do you do?

The solution I've come to is cooking a lot. I suddenly got good at doing chores: cleaning, dishes, taking out the trash. TV doesn't charm me as much as it used to. But when you find a good, long-term storyline show, that'll help you kill some hours. In the first two years of Eli's life, I've managed to watch all five Star Trek shows. Yeah, even Enterprise. I want to read a lot, I really do, but find it just puts me to sleep. My weekly comic book fix definitely helps break up the week.

Who's got suggestions and ideas? Or maybe just wants to have a delightful little discussion in the comments section of this blog? Well, go for it. You've got my blessing.

Notes: Yes, technically there are SIX Star Trek shows. But do I really want to watch the animated series? Sure, it's only one season, but... I don't know. Maybe Eli would like it.


  1. The animated series is fecking awesome. My sewing has improved exponentially. And omg the kids tv makes me want to cry sometimes.

    1. It's especially bad when the kids TV actually does make you cry. I've seen Toy Story 3 a hundred times and that damn scene in the trash compactor STILL gets me. Every time.
