Monday, December 10, 2012

Adventures in Potty Training!

Accident? Or DISASTER!

The Mission: Leave the house, sans diaper, for 1 hour.

Mission Status: Catastrophic failure.

Casualties: One pair of underwear, 5-7 paper towels, parenting cred.

Debrief (hahaha!): We took a trip down to the playroom, killing some time before lunch. About 10 minutes in, another parent points out that Eli is trying to take his pants off. Upon running over, I discover that he has thoroughly soiled his underoos, and is doing a pretty good job of smearing his thighs and knees. We whisk off to the bathroom to get cleaned up. The underwear was a bust, straight into the garbage. Fortunately, the pants didn't receive much in the way of poo-punishment. So, I wiped him up, and put him back in the pants.

But Asa, I can hear you saying, where was your stash of backup clothing?


That's an interesting question. To which, I humbly respond: You know what, you try to wrangle two 2-year-olds into their clothes, jackets, boots, and stroller, and remember everything all the time. Yeah. So there! Now, if you'll excuse me... 

We go back to playing, lots of running and jumping, playing ball. 30 minutes later, the same parent alerts me to Eli pulling down his pants. Again. He had whizzed himself, poor little dude. At which point, I decided it was time to go home.

You know, Asa--

Oh, here we go again...

It's just that, well, if you were to, say, put a backup set of clothes in the stroller, they'd always be there when you needed them.

Thanks for the advice, didn't realize we had a parenting expert in the house. I'll be sure to do that next time.

Notes: You know, if you ask me--

I didn't, by the way.

--I would keep an extra pair of clothes in the diaper bag. That way--

No. Absolutely not. I am ANTI diaper bag.

You're what?

Save it. That's another post.

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